Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Top Questions on Geography - General knowledge Questions and Answers - Section 1-b

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Top Questions on Geography - General knowledge Questions and Answers

11. By which name does the Brahmaputra enter into India?

... Answer : C) Dihang
Explanation : The Brahmaputra enters India in the state of Arunachal Pradesh through sharp south-westerly turn along the eastern side of Namcha Barwa, where it is called Dihang.

12. The soil which is required to grow Sugarcane in India is

... Answer : C) Alluvial Soil
Explanation : Alluvial soil is a fertile soil rich in potassium. It is highly suitable for agriculture, especially for crops such as paddy, sugarcane and plantain. Sugarcane grows best in well-drained, fertile medium to heavy alluvial soils.

13. Which among the following states has the highest percentage of irrigated area?

... Answer : A) Haryana
Explanation : Punjab has the highest percentage of irrigated area of about 97%, followed by Haryana with the percentage of irrigated area of about 91.39% as per 9th Agriculture census.

14. The state which is the leading producer of Cashewnut is

... Answer : C) Maharashtra
Explanation : India is the largest producer of rawcashewnut contributing 20% of total global production. The production and productivity of cashew is highest in the state of Maharashtra. Andhra Pradesh and Orissa are the other two States in the 2nd and 3rd position followed by Maharahstra in the production of cashew in India.

15. Which of the following island groups is separated by the Nine Degree Channel?

... Answer : A) Lakshadweep and Minicoy
Explanation : Minicoy is separated from rest of the Lakshadweep by Nine Degree Channel whereas Lakshadweep group separated from Maldives by Eight Degree Channel.

16. A land surrounded by water on three sides is called?

... Answer : C) Peninsula
Explanation : A land with water on three sides is called as Peninsula. A peninsula is a piece of land that is almost surrounded by water but connected to mainland.

17. Chenab and Ravi are tributaries of which river?

... Answer : C) Indus
Explanation : Indus River originates in Tibet in northern slopes of Mount Kailash near lake Mansarovar. its five major tributaries viz. Beas, Chenab, Jhelum, Ravi and Sutlej. These tributaries are the source of the name of the Punjab region.

18. Most of India's rainfall is-

... Answer : B) Convectional
Explanation : Most of India's rainfall is convectional. The convectional rainfall is prevalent in equatorial regions. It is formed when air is raised over hills and mountains. As it rises the air gets cooled and condensed to form rain. It usually occurs in coastal areas.

19. India Shares land border with how many states?

... Answer : D) 7
Explanation : India shares land borders with seven neighbouring countries viz. Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Nepal, Myanmar, Bhutan and Afghanistan.

20. Which pair of the countries separated by Palk Strait and Gulf of Mannar?

... Answer : A) India- Sri Lanka
Explanation : Palk Strait and Gulf of Mannar separates the two countries- India and Sri Lanka. The strait is 53 to 82 kilometres wide. It connects the Bay of Bengal in the northeast with the Palk Bay in the southwest.

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