Sunday, May 17, 2020

Building Materials Quiz

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121. Assertion (A): Paints with white lead base are not recommended for painting of iron works.                     Reason    (R): Paints with white lead base do not check rusting of iron. 

Select your answer according to the coding system given below:

... Answer : A)
Explanation : Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation A

122. The amount of water used for one kg of distemper is:

... Answer : C)
Explanation : 0.6 litre

123. The vehicle used in case of enamel paints is usually

... Answer : C)
Explanation : Varnish

124. Assertion (A): Normally turpentine oil is recommended as thinner for indoor painting. 
        Reason     (R): Turpentine oil is costlier than other thinners. 

Select your answer according to the coding system given below:

... Answer : B)
Explanation : Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation

125. The limit of proportionally is applicable more the case of:

... Answer : D)
Explanation : Mild steel

126. The compacting factor test of cement concrete determines its

... Answer : D)
Explanation : workability

127. The split tensile strength of M 15 grade concrete when expressed as a percentage of its compressive strength:

... Answer : A)
Explanation : 10 to 15 %

128. The approximate ratio between the strengths of cement concrete at 7 days & 28 days:

... Answer : B)
Explanation : 2/3

129. According to the relevant I.S code, the weight of the timber is to be reckoned at a moisture content of

... Answer : D)
Explanation : 12 %

130. If p is the standard consistency of cement, the amount of water used in in conducting the initial setting time test on cement is:

... Answer : B)
Explanation : 0.85 p

131. For good bonding of brick masonry:

... Answer : C)
Explanation : the vertical joints of alternate courses should fall in plumb

132. Lime mortal is generally made with

... Answer : C)
Explanation : hydraulic lime

133. If in a concrete mix the fineness modulus of a coarse aggregate is 7.6 , the fineness modulus of fine aggregate is 2.8 & the economic value of the fineness modulus of combined aggregate is 6.4 , then the proportion of fine aggregate is:

... Answer : B)
Explanation : 33.33 %

134. Tensile strength of concrete is measured by:

... Answer : C)
Explanation : applying third point loading on a prism

135. The approximate ratio of strength of 15 cm x 30 cm concrete cylinder to that of 15 cm cube of the same Concrete is:

... Answer : C)
Explanation : 0.85

136. The coefficient of linear expansion of granite is in the range of that of

... Answer : A)
Explanation : glass

137. The texture of sandstone is:

... Answer : D)
Explanation : granular crystalline

138. A good brick, when immersed in water bath for 24 hours, should not absorb more than:

... Answer : A)
Explanation : 20 % of its dry weight

139. For complete of cement the w/c ratio needed is:

... Answer : C)
Explanation : more than 0.35 but less than 0.45

140. Match list I with list II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

            List I                                                                    List II

    (Type of cement)                                                  (Characteristics)

 A. Air-entraining Portland cement                1. Suitable for very large structure

 B. Low heat Portland cement                        2. Unsuitable for very large masses of concrete

 C. Hydrophobic Portland cement                  3. Greater resistance to frost attack

 D. Rapid Hardening Portland cement           4. Safe storage under unfavorable conditions of humidity

    A         B         C         D

                     4          1          2          3

... Answer : C)
Explanation : 
Air-entraining Portland cement               Greater resistance to frost attack
Low heat Portland cement                  -       Suitable for very large structure
Hydrophobic Portland cement            -       Safe storage under unfavorable conditions of humidity
Rapid Hardening Portland cement      -       Unsuitable for very large masses of concrete

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